photo: angel recoils from plastic shroud creeping across this once gentle landscape in the heart of the Wye Valley
24 Nov 1994,
National Farmers Union, Tim Eaton, Senior Policy Adviser
“if you
think your valley looks like a lake, some parts of southern Spain look like a
sea “.
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets
Ltd 19 April 2000 Stamford House SE1 9LL
“we do purchase
strawberries grown in polythene tunnels from the Wye Valley, ----------I assure
you we do pay closee attention to the environmental impact of everything we
Peter Terson
Playwright, Script from the production of “Pigeons Aloft”
“Well I'm a
landscape painter .I'm supposed to be inspired by the landscape, the richness of
the soil the textures, the harmonies…I'm not inspired by POLYTHENE STRAWBERRY
TUNNELS…. It’s like; if I was a portrait painter and they stuck plastic bags
over the heads of my sitters”.
Heather Hurley,
Local Historian and Author
“The Wye Valley an Area of Outstanding Natural
Beauty now known as 'PLASTIC VALLEY'
“Visitors are
appalled that these polytunnels are allowed to spoil the beautiful countryside
and walkers are stunned to be walking through a corridor of
photo: polytunnels across footpath KC 16. The council were informed in June 11th 2002 two months later a pathway was cleared but they failed to issue directives to remove the polytunnels, Not only have residents to stare across the plastic destruction of the landscape but they are it seems expected to walk beneath it in their enjoyment of the public footpaths in this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Sylvia Kelly, Footpath
Officer for Hentland/Ballingham
”Many of the high paths have
prominent views and see this white sprawl for miles around, other paths run
alongside the polytunnels. This is undesirable for those who live here and an
eyesore memory for visitors.”
Dec 20, 2001,
P.Hoskins Hereford Times
“These wretched structures appear to be sited close
to homes and gardens and must cause great distress to all who previously enjoyed
an unobstructed view. The development is surely something the local authority
can, and should, seek to control.”
Peter & Julie
Foran, Hoarwithy, Residents
“Environmental Eyesore, Spreading like a virus
across the countryside. Supposedly an area of outstanding natural beauty
sacrificed on the altar of over-production and commercial gain. A sea of white
plastic threatening to become an ocean, is this natural or necessary? Is commerce going to override all other
considerations, why should the desire to produce strawberries out of season be
allowed to create such environmental havoc”
11th March - "It is with considerable concern and consternation that I witness the erection of yet more plastic polytunnels by Mr Neil Cockburn, over the fields facing my property. I find it difficult to comprehend how in a designated 'area of outstanding natural beauty' this could be allowed to happen.
"Whilst not wishing to deprive Mr Cockburn of his living, it would appear that he has shown precious little regard for his position as a 'steward of the countryside' and contemptuously ignored the feeling of his neighbours in his pursuit of profit."
Edward Kelly, Hereford
Times, “Once one of the most beautiful areas of the Wye Valley between Kings
Caple and Hoarwithy has now become a white plastic wasteland, two to five
thousand hoops per field, mile upon mile of polytunnel”
Susan and Simon
Anderson, Hoarwithy Residents
"We have great sympathies to the problems of
farming however we would like to see the introduction of controls over
Peter Simkins,
Chairman of The friends of Hoarwithy Hereford Times Jan 10
“Tourism holiday cottages will suffer because who will want a vacation
overlooking plastic whilst listening to the noise of river pumps. Growers claim
they help the local economy, but vast numbers are drawn from Eastern
“When I wrote my letter to the Hereford times I believed that the Herefordshire Council had no way of getting control over the method of farming I now learn there is a precedence where the Inspector of State found polytunnels did constitute development requiring planning permission”. “Nobody cares”
David &
Jennifer Kennedy Resident of Hoarwithy
“Restrictions should be placed on the
agricultural sector to inhibit and control the intrusion of these ugly polythene
tunnels so that the area may once again be truly classified as an area of
outstanding natural beauty”.
John Hurley
Writer Hoarwithy Resident
“We are heartedly sick of the madness of
covering the most engaging and attractive parts of Herefordshire with plastic
and polluting the unique River Wye, city dwellers who come here for short breaks
in response to your expensive advertising, find the place soulless and desolate
As to the famous suggestion made I understand by a parish council in my area,
that plastic tunnels help the community. This is patently a self interested lie.
The truth is they help a few landowners and give temporary employment largely to
immigrant workers who sleep and eat on site”
Emma Plain, Resident of
Hoarwithy. Opera Singer and Voice Tutor,
John Ellard,
Hoarwithy Resident, Professional Photographer
Contribution –
Kline, Mapleview
Company Director Hoarwithy
“I want to preserve a beautiful environment
we can all enjoy living in .Why are we left to fight this blight? This is the
duty and responsibility of the AONB”
Sunday Telegraph March
2000 Adam Nicolson whilst balancing with the virtue of a small garden tunnel
“I know what people think a polytunnel is pure visual
pollution.. …Plastic
slugs littering the fields … an alien presence in the rural landscape…Perhaps
local planning officers should conduct a campaign to get rid of
Hereford Journal, News
Paper Report, Head Line “Farmers “Ruining The View”
A King’s Caple
fruit farmer is facing local opposition over his plastic covered “polytunnels”
which he uses to farm strawberries.
Patricia &
Michael Donald, Resident of Hoarwithy
COUNTRYSIDE, IT IS AN UGLY PLASTIC PANORAMA”(imagine the planners allowing this
next to Hereford Cathedral)
Peter Huyton, Hoarwithy Resident
“ The planning laws on polytunnels were
devised years ago when these structures were used in purely horticultural
business and the areas covered were very limited. With the increasing use of
polytunnels in agriculture and their sprawl into the countryside, the current
planning rules have become an irrelevance. Polytunnels in general countryside
have become a blight, but to allow an a.o.n.b. to be scared by this blanket of
plastic is just plain crazy.”
“We find it deeply depressing
now that the whole riverside Area of Outstanding NATURAL Beauty is swathed in
shiny artificial white skin. For
Herefordshire it is economic suicide. Tourists are appalled by this ugliness
along the famous Wye”.
John Kuusisto,
Hoarwithy Resident, Formerly, Senior Architect Greater London
In no way can these tunnels be described as objects of
beauty; the glaring white colour and sheer scale of development is destroying
the countryside.
Ronald Pennell & Betty Pennell, Hoarwithy Residents,
“Appalling View
across the River Wye to Pennoxstone Court and adjacent land
Thomas, Kings Caple Resident
“These structures are completely alien and have
a detrimental visual impact on the landscape, it will surely have an adverse
effect on the tourist industry which is becoming increasingly important to the
rural economy as the importance of subsidised agriculture
H Rathbone, Hoarwithy Resident
“ My wife and I are upset by the
expansion and intrusion of polytunnel farming. There is total disregard for the
community in our area of outstanding natural beauty.”
Morris, Hoarwithy Resident
”A significant blot on an area of outstanding
natural beauty and should not be allowed.
L Bergman, Hoarwithy Resident
“We live in a commanding position on the west
bank of the River Wye not only an Area of Outstanding Beauty but also an SSSI.
With the arrival of polythene tunnels facing us at Kings Caple our environment
has been blighted and these tunnels are unlawful.
Barton, Hoarwithy Resident
Remove these from the AONB
as indicated in the Chichester appeal decision.
& Mrs Simon Harris, Hoarwithy resident
"When I
moved into Hoarwithy part of the attraction was obviously the beautiful views
that could be seen from all directions …………………have the polytunnels removed to
ensure that local Hoarwithy residents do not have to look out at the unsightly
poly tunnels for yet another year
& Mrs Farmer Hoarwithy residents
Remove from the
Remove from
Enforcement and remove from AONB
"Remove from AONB as
indicated in the Chichester appeal decision
"Grateful that something
is being done about this
can understand your personal comments having viewed the valley from your
property. I am sure that many will await the outcome of your complaint lodged
with the Ombudsman.
J.E.Wright, Kings Caple resident.
monstrous polythene tunnels polluting this once beautiful countryside around
Kings Caple are not growing food for the benefit of the people. They do not
provide work for the locals as those who work in them are imported from Eastern
Europe all they do is turn the village into the rural equivalent of an
industrial estate…Herefordshire will lose an important source of its income
tourism. Take away this county’s beauty and what reason is there to visit
On the subject of polythene farming
in an AONB - “depressing”
"CPRE have long been concerned about the present
exclusion of farming developments from the planning process which allow
consideration of the wider impact of such developments on the landscape and
local community. We contend that the special circumstances which gave rise to
the removal of agricultural development from the democratic planning system and
gave them special treatment (arguments which applied after the Second World War)
no longer apply. Farmers plan their business futures like any other business and
should be treated in the same way.
We were hopeful
that the recent Rural White Paper would signal a revision of PPG7 which brought
farming development into the planning system and allowed issues of landscape to
be considered before permitting the development. Sadly this was not the case but
we will continue to press for necessary revisions to planning policy. I would
therefore be pleased to know if Paul Keetch is supportive of a change of
legislation, as we would wish to keep him informed of our campaign on this
The Minster
confirmed recently that AONB, s have the same status in planning as National
Parks so should such a revision to bring farming into the planning system be
forthcoming areas such as the Wye Valley could be better protected from the
blight and cumulative impact of these landscape
Ballingham, Bolstone and Hentland Group Parish Council, like any other parish council, has a responsibility to respond to issues put to it by the local community. At the 2002 Annual Parish Meeting held in Hoarwithy, councillors were made aware of the concerns of Hoarwithy residents over the impact on the village of the increasing area of polytunnels in the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and of their frustration at the apparent unwillingness of Herefordshire Council to take any steps to control the spread of these structures.
i.the additional income
generated by polytunnels,(as opposed to that derived from any alternative use of
the land in question) on the one hand, and
September 2002, recent polytunnel expansion surrounding Kings Caple
WALFORD 150-acre site, south of Ross on Wye, a permanent and
expanding blight
The third largest polytunnel / business in the UK and
allowed by Herefordshire planning to destroy one of England’s Finest Landscape,
the famous Wye Valley.
“Responses to
polytunnels are essentially subjective, I would not want us to be debating the
merits of strawberry cloches”
Julie Preston Head of Planning Services holds to the view,
akin to Catch 22
Classed, as “temporary structures”, will not look at visual
impact on the landscape.
Will not look at visual impact because they are
classed as “temporary structures”
Parish councils and individuals have pleaded for years with the planning to introduce controls. In typical response as stated 12th April 2000.“Herefordshire Council Planning Authority does not have powers to control the type of polythene tunnels”. Clearly at the time it did. They are now bent on ignoring what is the highest legal ruling on polytunnels they use the resources of the legal department striving to find a difference between the Chichester decision to what is happening here
Other “clever “ points are about duration of cycle that attempts to dismiss the reality that these are a permanent ever-present blight.
Being “caught” the planning dept might have swiftly moved to correct this injustice, but no.
In desperation large numbers of residents through out Herefordshire have now made complaint to the Ombudsman against the council for maladministration and injustice.
These childish games and determination not to “see” will plunge the council into Judicial Review. Hereford will have to contest both the Chichester decision and legal argument of Case Law” Skerrits of Nottingham Ltd v. Secretary of State for the Environment” March 22 2000 This case overturns previous notions of what constitutes a building.
These businessmen with their plastic work sheds are not in a temporary business.
“2000 acres of tunnels constructed in the last five years” says John Berry, Haygrove Tunnels, and Herefordshire. This method is in its infancy, trials and research are set to expand production to larger tunnels in a variety of coloured plastics, it is imperative to have controls as would be required in all other planning issues, so as to protect individual democratic rights and sensitive landscape throughout Herefordshire. MARDEN once nominated as best-kept village and enjoyed the open landscape now swamped in plastic, a vast overseas workforce working day & night, creating enormous social problems and injustice.
Thank you for your time and consideration, from the communities of Hoarwithy, Kings Caple Walford and Marden Sincerely,
Edward Kelly Wye Hill, Hoarwithy, Herefordshire. HR2
20th June 2002
COPY for wide circulation to
councillors and interested parties including;
Paul Thomson, The
Countryside Agency, West Midlands Region,
Alan Poole Chief
Development Control Officer, Herefordshire District
Christopher Grover, Cabinet Member for the Environment
Hereford Council
Robert Price CPRE .JAC for AONB
Smith, Head of Planning and Transport Government Office West
David Howatson, Head of Rural Affairs Government Office
West Midlands
John Oliver, Bishop of Hereford
Stuart Thomas, Councillor
Paul Keetch M.P. House
of Commons
Polly Andrews, Head of Herefordshire Councils Planning
DEFRA, London
Duchy of
Marian Spain Head of Finest Countryside
Tony Featherstone, Leisure Services Manager
Herefordshire Council
Andrew Blake, Wye Valley AONB
John Butterfield, Countryside Agency
White, CPRE 25 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1 WOPP
Laird, Chairman, Ballingham Bolstone and Hentland Group Parish
J M Perry Walford Parish Council
Lambeth Investigator, Local Government Ombudsman
A J Tyler (Mrs) Planning Assistant,
Services.Herefordshire District Council,
P O Box 230 Hereford HR1 2ZB
Dear, Mrs A.J. Tyler,
Reference; -Mr ------proposed a
Timber Construction at---------- Hoarwithy. (Your
letter 11th April 2002)
Volume =p r
squared divided by 2 x length
Volume = p x 4m sq =12.56sq,m divided by 2=6.28sq,m x 20 miles
(32186.88 metres) Total 808944.56 cubic metres
Total devided by 10 cubic
metres (size requiring planning consent)
=80,894.456cubic metres
The volume of polytunnels is Eighty
thousand eight hundred and ninety four times larger than the 10 metres requiring
stated size requiring planning consents
New tunnels will result in a forty mile length
=161,7891.2cu metres
These polytunnels will be,
THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED & EIGHTY NINE TIMES larger than the 10 cubic metres
considered harmful to the Area of Outstanding Beauty.
Mr Cockburns polytunnels are destroying our village and the Wye
Mr Cockburns polytunnels require no planning consents
A “ Wendy
house “does
Yours sincerely
Circular letter to all councillors and others (3rd October 2002)
Hereford councillors are being asked to
support a
voluntary code of conduct as
opposed to introducing planning control
the use of polytunnels.
The council held an Environment Programme Meeting 2nd September 2002 for supposedly open ended discussion, a proposal, a way forward, had been made to which we were adamantly opposed. Surprise then when we discovered in the press that the council would now go forward with this proposal. It was a meeting dominated by two long introductory talks by the two millionaires selling their products whilst the opposition as we are called failed to keep Douglas Gardiner on the floor for three minutes before he was silenced by the councils lawyers.
Now of course we have in the Wye Valley AONB two monstrous polytunnel sites as well as the abuse at Marden and ever increasing explosions throughout Herefordshire. The sheer scale of these buildings is having disastrous effects upon the landscape and village communities. Despite what the agenda for the Environment Programme reports seventy people have made complaint to the Ombudsman on grounds of "maladministration" and "injustice”. This is but the tip of a surfacing iceberg.
Voluntary control, on an issue of this magnitude is a fairy story. A proposal no doubt to divert focus from the urgent need to enforce planning regulation and a theatre acted out to appease the Ombudsman .The Ombudsman can only consider primarily matters of procedure rather than the rights and wrongs of a decision. There is a failure to address existence of the Brinkman ruling. Herefordshire is set to continue to allow these millionaire businesses men under the sympathy vote of “poor farmers” to dictate terms, seize control, destroy our best landscape and pervert democratic rights.
Time and time again the justification for tearing up the most beautiful landscape in the AONB as was indeed reiterated by Polly Andrews Head of council is that Herefordshire is a farming community and we must support the farmers. So what is Worchester doing with its landscape and all the other rural counties throughout Britain who have planning controls? Perhaps they are listening to the majority and diversity of people in their county and acting responsibly to reflect their concerns and adhering to legal precedent.
The CPC does support the farmers and is not against the use of polytunnels in the right place
We ask Herefordshire councillors:
photo: surveying the new expansions of polytunnels from Kings Caple churchyard
A plastic shroud creeps across this once gentle landscape in the heart of Wye Valley AONB linking the two historic sites of Kings Caple and Hoarwithy Churches.
Once of breathtaking beauty now breath taking in the sheer audacity of this grower Mr.Cockburn with yet more fields beyond now being prepared for expansion. What is the madness that brings Herefordshire Council to insist on planning consents for a "wendy" house least it should be detrimental to the AONB whilst harmful to the Area of Outstanding Beauty. resisting implementing controls over this nightmare, a council that now proposes a "voluntary code of practice will see it right, is breathtaking in its stupidity.
Thank you on behalf of the CPC.